Author: Unknown

A young woman in Scotland was so troubled one night about her soul that she couldn’t rest. She got up and wrote in her diary, “One year from now I will attend to the matters of my soul.”
She went back to bed but still couldn’t sleep. She got up again and wrote a better promise in her diary, “One month from now I will attend to the matters of my soul.”

Again she went back to bed but no sleep would come, so she got up again and wrote, “Next week I will attend to the matters of my soul.” Then she went to bed and slept soundly.

The next day she gave herself over to free indulgence in worldly pleasures. The following day she took violently ill, and on Wednesday of the next week she died. Delirium lifted from her mind before she died just long enough for her to say, “I AM A WEEK TOO LATE! I AM LOST!”

It is dangerous to postpone the salvation of your soul. Thousands have put off seeking Christ until death overtook them and it was too late. NOW is the God-given time to be saved. NOW, when you see your duty and feel your unfitness to die; NOW, while you are in health; NOW, you ought to yield to Christ and prepare for eternity. Tomorrow or next week your body may be in the grave and your soul in hell. Quick as a flash your last opportunity for heaven may be gone.

Do you entertain the thought, as many have done to their eternal ruin, that all you need is a little time before death to prepare to meet God, and so you neglect present opportunity and today’s mercy in the pursuit of wealth, honor, or pleasure? The following account illustrates the extreme folly and danger of such a course.

Mr. Bascom, an Englishman who had passed the prime of life unsaved, had often felt that he should become a Christian. During revival meetings of great interest in his native village, in which several of his neighbors were converted, he was repeatedly urged to give up his sins, seek the Lord, and be saved. But to every invitation he always replied, There’s time enough yet. All I want is for God to give me fifteen minutes in which to get ready to die.”

He never got that fifteen minutes. “…The expectation of the wicked shall perish.” Prov. 10:28. The Bible also says, “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” Prov. 29:1. A few months from that time, while working around the machinery of a mill, his clothing got caught and he was ushered into eternity without a moment’s warning when the circular saw, in rapid motion, went crashing through his brain.

Do not neglect your soul’s salvation another day. Decide NOW that you will forsake your sins and come to Christ so that you need never say, “I am one week too late. I am lost.”

Remember this: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.

© Church of God Evening Light