This is a growing, extensive library of current and past Church of God books and publications. Archived are many products previously printed by the Faith Publishing House in Guthrie, Oklahoma.

A PDF library of books. A collection that contains many of the books that were authored by pioneer ministers of the Church of God in the early nineteen hundreds.

A collection of tracts written on various subjects by Church of God saints.

The Gospel Truth
A current, quarterly publication that contains Biblical instruction and encouragement for the mission field worldwide. Resource for Bible studies and teachings of the doctrines of the Church of God. Edited by Bro. Michael Smith.

Faith and Victory
A gospel periodical published at the Faith Publishing House from 1923–2014. Gospel writings and church news covering a period of many years.

Bible Lessons
Sunday school quarterlies for adults and young people. Edited for many years by Bro. Leslie Busbee and currently being edited by Sis. Angela Gellenbeck.

Wilson Q & A
In-depth answers from Bro. Ostis Wilson to Biblical questions that were submitted to the Faith and Victory magazine. These Q & A articles were complied from February 1977–December 1985.

Beautiful Way
Sunday School lessons published for children, both primary and junior.

Articles written by varying authors covering a range of topics.